Website Building » Squarespace » How Do I Move a Section From One Squarespace Page to Another?

How Do I Move a Section From One Squarespace Page to Another?

Last updated on December 30, 2022 @ 5:49 pm

There are two ways that you can move a section from one Squarespace page to another – either by using the ‘Move To’ button in the section’s menu, or by copying and pasting the section’s HTML code.

To use the ‘Move To’ button, first make sure that you are in ‘Edit Mode’ for the page that you want to move the section from. Then, click on the section that you want to move and click on the ‘Move To’ button in the section’s menu.

A pop-up window will appear showing you a list of all of the pages on your site. Select the page that you want to move the section to and click on the ‘Move’ button. The section will then be moved to the selected page.

PRO TIP: If you are planning on moving a section from one Squarespace page to another, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. First, make sure that the section you are moving is compatible with the new page layout. Second, if you are using a custom URL for the new page, make sure to update your DNS settings. Finally, be aware that moving sections around can affect your site’s search engine optimization.

To copy and paste a section’s HTML code, first go to the page that you want to copy the section from. In the ‘Page Code’ tab, find the code for the section that you want to copy and copy it.

Then, go to the page that you want to paste the section into and paste the code into the ‘Page Code’ tab. The section will then be added to that page.

You can also style text in HTML using <b> and <u> tags where applicable.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.