Web Design » Photoshop » How Do I Move a Selection in Photoshop Without Cutting It?

How Do I Move a Selection in Photoshop Without Cutting It?

Last updated on September 23, 2022 @ 10:08 pm

There are times when you may want to move a selection in Photoshop without cutting it. This can be accomplished by holding down the “Alt” key (PC) or the “Option” key (Mac) as you use the arrow keys on your keyboard to nudge the selection.

You can also use the “Move” tool to move the selection. Simply select the “Move” tool, and then click and drag the selection to where you want it.

If you need to move a selection more precisely, you can use the “Arrow” keys on your keyboard. First, make sure that the “Move Tool” is selected. Then, position your cursor inside the selection you want to move.

Hold down the “Shift” key, and then press an arrow key to nudge the selection in that direction. Each time you press an arrow key, the selection will move 10 pixels. You can also hold down the “Alt” (PC) or “Option” (Mac) key as you press an arrow key to move the selection one pixel at a time.

PRO TIP: If you are moving a selection in Photoshop and you cut it, the selection will be lost.

Once you’ve moved the selection to where you want it, you can release the “Shift” and/or “Alt/Option” keys. If you need to move the selection again, simply repeat these steps.


Moving a selection in Photoshop is a simple matter of using either the arrow keys or the move tool. Precise movements can be made by holding down either the shift or alt keys while using the arrow keys.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.