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How Do I Remove Dust and Scratches From a Picture in Photoshop?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 2:09 pm

As anyone who’s ever owned a digital camera knows, even the most expensive models can take lackluster photos if the lens is dirty. The same goes for the image sensor, which can get just as grimy as the lens. But unlike a lens, which you can clean with a soft cloth, you shouldn’t attempt to clean your sensor yourself. Instead, bring it (or send it) to a camera store or service center that specializes in sensor cleaning and let the pros do it.

Dirty lenses and image sensors are usually the culprits behind blurry or otherwise degraded photos, but sometimes dust or scratches on your image sensor can also be to blame. If you’re seeing strange artifacts in your photos that look like dust or scratches, try cleaning your sensor first. If that doesn’t fix the problem, the issue is probably with your image sensor, and you’ll need to have it cleaned or replaced.

If you’re not sure whether your problem is with your lens or your sensor, take a look at this tutorial on how to clean your camera’s image sensor. It covers everything from spotting the problem to cleaning it yourself (if you’re feeling brave).

How Do I Remove Dust and Scratches From a Picture in Photoshop?

If you’re dealing with a photo that’s already been taken, there’s no way to remove dust and scratches without affecting the rest of the image. However, Photoshop does offer a few tools that can help reduce the appearance of dust and scratches.


Use the Clone Stamp tool

The Clone Stamp tool lets you copy pixels from one area of an image to another. To use it, select an area of the image that doesn’t contain any dust or scratches, then click and drag over the area you want to fix. The Clone Stamp tool will use the pixels from the area you selected as its source, and will copy them over the top of the dust or scratches.

PRO TIP: This article provides some tips on how to remove dust and scratches from a picture in Photoshop. However, it is important to note that these tips may not work for all types of pictures and may damage some types of pictures. Therefore, it is important to use these tips with caution and only on pictures that you are willing to risk damaging.

2. Use the Healing Brush tool

The Healing Brush tool is similar to the Clone Stamp tool, but it does a better job of matching colors and textures so that the repaired area looks more natural. As with the Clone Stamp tool, first select an area of clean pixels, then click and drag over the area you want to repair.

3. Use content-aware fill

Content-aware fill is a relatively new feature in Photoshop that does an amazing job of filling in areas with texture and detail that match the surrounding pixels. To use it, select an area around the dust or scratch (you don’t need to be too precise), then go to Edit > Fill > Content-Aware Fill. Photoshop will analyze the surrounding pixels and fill in the selection with pixels that match.

There are several ways to remove dust and scratches from pictures using Photoshop. The most effective method will depend on the severity of the problem and where exactly on the picture the dust or scratch is located.

The best way to remove dust and scratches from pictures is by using Photoshop’s clone stamp tool, healing brush tool, or content-aware fill feature. These tools will allow you to repair damaged areas without affecting other parts of the image.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.