Illustrator is a powerful vector graphic design program that enables users to create logos, illustrations, and other graphics. One of the features that Illustrator users can use to make their projects more efficient is the Smart Guides feature.
To turn on the Smart Guides feature in Illustrator, follow these steps:
1. Open the Illustrator application.

2. In the top menu, go to View and select the “Smart Guides” option to turn it on. You can also use the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl + U” to turn on Smart Guides.
NOTE: If “Smart Guides” in the View tab is already checked, that means it is currently turned on.

3. To use Smart Guides, try to create a rectangle using the “Rectangle Tool” in the left toolbar, then click and drag on your canvas. While creating your rectangle, there should now be a line guide across the shape and a preview of the rectangle’s current dimensions indicating that the “Smart Guides” is turned on.
NOTE: Smart Guides are used to ensure that the object or objects are placed in the correct position and resized accurately.

PRO TIP: Smart Guides are a great way to line up objects in Illustrator, but they can be a little tricky to turn on. Here’s a quick tip on how to do it:
1. Go to the View menu and select Smart Guides.
2. Alternatively, you can press Command + U (Mac) or Control + U (Windows) to toggle them on and off.
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