Website Building » Shopify » How Do Shopify Experts Get Paid?

How Do Shopify Experts Get Paid?

Last updated on October 2, 2022 @ 12:49 am

There are a couple different ways that Shopify experts get paid. The first way is through a monthly retainer. This is where the expert is paid a set amount each month to be on call and available to help with whatever issues the client has. The second way is through project-based work.

This is where the expert is paid for each project they complete for the client. They may be paid an hourly rate, or they may be paid a flat fee for the project. Either way, the expert is only paid for the work they actually do, and not for any time they spend on call or waiting for projects.

The third way that Shopify experts get paid is through performance-based bonuses. This is where the expert is given a bonus for achieving certain goals or milestones set by the client.

PRO TIP: If you are considering becoming a Shopify Expert, it is important to be aware of how they are paid. Shopify Experts typically earn a commission on the products and services they sell to their clients. This can be a great way to earn income, but it is important to be aware that Shopify Experts are not employees of Shopify and are not guaranteed a salary or other benefits. Before becoming a Shopify Expert, be sure to research the company thoroughly and understand their commission structure.

For example, if the client wants to increase sales by 20%, and the expert helps them achieve that goal, then the expert will receive a bonus. This type of payment incentivizes the expert to help the client reach their goals, and it also allows them to share in the success of the business.

Shopify experts can also get paid through referral fees. This is where they receive a commission for referring new clients to Shopify.

The expert may receive a percentage of the new client’s monthly fees, or they may receive a flat fee for each new client they refer. Referral fees are a great way for experts to earn additional income, and it’s also a great way for them to build their network of clients.

Overall, there are many different ways that Shopify experts can get paid. They can choose to work on a monthly retainer, on a project-by-project basis, or they can even earn bonuses or referral fees. No matter what type of payment arrangement they choose, experts only get paid for the work they actually do, so it’s important that they only take on projects that they know they can handle.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.