Web Design » Figma » How Do You Add Multiple Interactions in Figma?

How Do You Add Multiple Interactions in Figma?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 10:39 pm

Adding multiple interactions in Figma is a great way to add extra polish to your designs. By adding multiple interactions, you can make your design more engaging and interactive for your users.

There are a few different ways that you can add multiple interactions to your Figma design. One way is to use the interactivity panel.

To access the interactivity panel, click on the little plus icon in the top right corner of the canvas. Then, click on the “Interactivity” tab.

PRO TIP: When adding multiple interactions in Figma, be sure to use the right click menu and not the layer options menu. The layer options menu will only add an interaction to the selected layer, whereas the right click menu will add an interaction to all layers in the selection.

In the interactivity panel, you can add different types of interactions, such as hover effects, click effects, and so on. To add an interaction, simply click on the type of interaction that you want to add, and then click on the element that you want to apply it to.

Another way that you can add multiple interactions is by using the layer styles panel. To access the layer styles panel, click on the little plus icon in the top right corner of the canvas, and then click on the “Layer Styles” tab.

In the layer styles panel, you can add different types of interactions, such as hover effects, click effects, and so on.

Adding multiple interactions in Figma is a great way to improve your design and make it more engaging for your users. With just a few clicks, you can easily add extra polish to your designs.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.