In Illustrator, you can change the color of an object in 2 easy ways.
1. Replacing the Color by Selecting the Specific Object
To change the color of an object, select the object that you want to recolor with the direct selection tool. Then, click Fill and choose which color you would like.
2. Recolor by using the Recolor Feature
First, select all your objects by pressing ctrl + a. Under the Edit Menu, navigate to Edit Colors and then click Recolor Artwork (Edit Menu > Edit Colors > Recolor Artwork).
Double-click the color fill and choose your desired color. Once you are finish with choosing your color, click OK.
After clicking OK again, you will be able to see that all of your objects’ colors have been changed to your desired color.

PRO TIP: When changing the color of an object in Illustrator, be sure to use the Edit Colors feature. This will allow you to change the color of an object without affecting other objects in your design.
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