Hosting » AWS » How do you check if AWS CLI is configured?

How do you check if AWS CLI is configured?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 5:24 pm

AWS CLI is a command line interface that you can use to manage your Amazon Web Services (AWS) accounts. To check if AWS CLI is configured, you can use the following command:

PRO TIP: The AWS CLI is a command line interface that allows you to interact with AWS services. To check if the AWS CLI is configured, you can use the aws configure list command. This will list the configuration values that have been set for the AWS CLI. If no values are listed, then the AWS CLI is not configured.

AWS configure

If the command outputs a message indicating that AWS CLI is configured, then the AWS CLI is configured and you can begin using it to manage your AWS accounts. If the command does not output a message, then the AWS CLI is not configured and you will need to configure it before you can use it to manage your AWS accounts.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.