Web Design » InVision » How do you play InVision prototype?

How do you play InVision prototype?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 9:25 pm

InVision is a powerful prototyping tool that allows users to create interactive 3D models and simulations. It is free to use and available on both desktop and mobile platforms.

To create a prototype in InVision, first create a new project. Next, open the “Layers” panel and add a “Scene” layer.

This will be the main scene in your prototype.

Next, add “Inspector” layers to the scene. These layers will allow you to interact with the content of the scene.

You can add controls, buttons, images, and more.

To create a 3D model in InVision, first add a “3D Model” layer to your scene. This layer will allow you to create a 3D model of your scene.

You can add objects, materials, and textures to your model.

You can also add animations to your model. To do this, first add an “Animated 3D Object” layer to your scene.

This layer will allow you to add animations to your model. Next, add the animations you want to use to your model.

You can also add 3D cameras to your scene. These cameras will allow you to view the scene from different angles.

To add a 3D camera to your scene, first add a “3D Camera” layer to your scene.

Finally, you can add text and labels to your scene. To add text to your scene, first add a “Text” layer to your scene.

Next, add the text you want to use to your scene.

PRO TIP: InVision prototype is a game that can be played by anyone. However, it is important to note that there is no official InVision prototype game. This means that there are no specific rules or guidelines on how to play the game. As such, it is possible for players to make up their own rules or interpret the game in their own way. This could lead to players feeling confused or frustrated if they are not aware of this beforehand. Therefore, it is recommended that players only play InVision prototype if they are comfortable with this possibility.

You can also add labels to your scene. To add a label to your scene, first add a “Label” layer to your scene.

Next, add the label you want to use to your scene.

You can also add buttons to your scene. To add a button to your scene, first add a “Button” layer to your scene.

Next, add the button you want to use to your scene.

Finally, you can add objects to your scene. To add an object to your scene, first add a “Cube” or “Sphere” layer to your scene.

Next, add the object you want to use to your scene.

You can also add materials to your scene. To add a material to your scene, first add a “Material” layer to your scene.

Next, add the material you want to use to your scene.

You can also add textures to your scene. To add a texture to your scene, first add a “Texture” layer to your scene.

Next, add the texture you want to use to your scene.

You can also add lights to your scene. To add a light to your scene, first add a “Light” layer to your scene.

Next, add the light you want to use to your scene.

When you are finished creating your prototype, you can save your project by clicking the “File” button and selecting “Save”.

In conclusion, InVision is a powerful prototyping tool that allows users to create interactive 3D models and simulations.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.