Web Design » Figma » How Do You Record a Figma Video?

How Do You Record a Figma Video?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 10:53 pm

There are a few different ways that you can record a Figma video. The most popular way is to use the built in screen recorder. To do this, first open up the project that you want to record in Figma.

Then, click on the ‘Share’ button in the top-right corner of the screen. A pop-up window will appear. In this window, click on the ‘Create video’ option.

Once you’ve clicked on ‘Create video’, another pop-up window will appear. In this window, you can choose to record your entire screen, or just a specific region.

If you want to record your entire screen, make sure that the ‘Record entire screen’ option is selected. If you only want to record a specific region, select the ‘Record region’ option and then click on the area of your screen that you want to record.

Once you’ve selected the area that you want to record, click on the ‘Start recording’ button. Figma will start recording your screen and will also create a voiceover of any actions that you take within the software. To stop recording, simply click on the ‘Stop recording’ button in the top-left corner of your screen.

PRO TIP: Figma is a great tool for prototyping and design, but did you know that you can record videos of your designs in Figma? Here’s how:

1. Create a new canvas or open an existing one.

2. Click on the “Record” button in the top bar.

3. A recording window will appear. Select the area of the canvas you want to record and click “Start Recording”.

4. Once you’re done recording, click “Stop Recording” and then “Save”.

5. Your video will be saved as a .mp4 file in the “My Videos” folder in your Figma account.

Please note that Figma only allows you to record for up to 5 minutes per video.

Once you’ve stopped recording, Figma will automatically save your video to your account. From here, you can watch it back, or download it for later use.

There are a few different ways that you can share your Figma video with others. The first way is to simply share the link with them. To do this, click on the ‘Share’ button in the top-right corner of your screen and then copy and paste the link into an email or instant message.

The second way to share your Figma video is to export it as an MP4 file and then send it as an attachment via email or instant message. To do this, click on the ‘Share’ button in the top-right corner of your screen and then click on the ‘Export video’ option.

A pop-up window will appear asking you where you want to save your file. Choose a location and then click on the ‘Export’ button. Your MP4 file will now be saved and ready to be sent as an attachment.

How Do You Record a Figma Video?
There are a few different ways that you can record a Figma video:

  • The most popular way is to use the built in screen recorder.
  • Another way is to export it as an MP4 file.
Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.