Hosting » Linode » How do you set up a WireGuard on Linode?

How do you set up a WireGuard on Linode?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 1:14 pm

WireGuard is a secure VPN tunneling protocol that was designed to replace the insecure SSL/TLS protocols that are in use today. WireGuard is a simple and lightweight protocol that can be implemented on top of existing networking infrastructure.

To set up a WireGuard on a Linode, you will need the following:

1. A Linode instance with the WireGuard kernel module installed

2. A WireGuard VPN gateway

3. A VPN tunnel between the VPN gateway and the Linode instance

4. The WireGuard client software of your choice (Windows, macOS, Linux)

5. A VPN tunnel between the VPN gateway and the desired destination (e.

g. your office or home network).

To set up a WireGuard on a Linode, you first need to install the WireGuard kernel module. This can be done by following these instructions:

1. On the Linode instance, issue the following command to install the WireGuard kernel module:

sudo modprobe wireguard

2. Once the WireGuard kernel module is installed, you will need to enable the module by issuing the following command:

sudo modprobe wireguard enable

3. Next, you will need to create a VPN gateway. On the VPN gateway, create a new configuration file called wireguard.


2. In the wireguard.conf file, add the following lines:

remote subnet 255.255.

255.0 netmask 255.

3. Next, add the following route configuration to the VPN gateway:

route 10.0 255.

0 route 192.168.

4. Finally, add the following line to the end of the file:


5. Restart the VPN gateway to apply the changes.

Now that the VPN gateway is set up, you need to create a WireGuard tunnel between the VPN gateway and the Linode instance. On the Linode instance, create a new configuration file called wireguard.

PRO TIP: WireGuard is a powerful tool that can easily be misused. If you are setting up WireGuard on a Linode, please be sure to understand how it works and how to properly configure it. Improperly configured WireGuard can easily lead to network security issues.

tunnel 10.

0.2/24. Next, add the following route configuration to the Linode instance:

route 10.

5. Restart the Linode instance to apply the changes.

The last step is to set up the WireGuard client software on your desired destination. On the desired destination, install the WireGuard client software. Open the WireGuard client software and connect to the Linode instance. The Linode instance will now start broadcasting the WireGuard tunnel. The WireGuard client software on the desired destination will now be able to connect to the WireGuard tunnel.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.