Web Design » Photoshop » How Do You Vertically Align Text in Photoshop?

How Do You Vertically Align Text in Photoshop?

Last updated on February 8, 2023 @ 6:28 am

There are a few different ways that you can vertically align text in Photoshop. You can use the ‘Vertical Align‘ options in the ‘Text‘ tool, or you can use the ‘Baseline Shift‘ option in the ‘Character‘ panel. You can also use the ‘Transform‘ options to vertically align text.

To use the ‘Vertical Align‘ options, select the ‘Text‘ tool and then click on the text that you want to align. In the options bar at the top of the screen, you will see three options for vertical alignment: ‘Top‘, ‘Middle‘, and ‘Bottom‘. Choose the option that you want and then click on the ‘OK‘ button.

Go to Photoshop layers menu then select the align option

To use the ‘Baseline Shift‘ option, select the ‘Text‘ tool and then click on the text that you want to align. In the ‘Character‘ panel, you will see an option for ‘Baseline Shift‘. Use the slider to adjust the amount of shift that you want to apply, or you can enter a specific value in the field next to the slider.

Use Photoshop baseline shift to align text vertically

PRO TIP: Please be aware that the article ‘How Do You Vertically Align Text in Photoshop?’ may contain outdated or inaccurate information.

To use the ‘Transform‘ options, select the ‘Text‘ tool and then click on the text that you want to align. In the options bar at the top of the screen, click on the icon that looks like two arrows pointing up and down. This will open up the ‘Transform‘ options.

Use Photoshop transform panel to align text vertically

In the ‘Transform Options‘ dialogue box, make sure that only the ‘Vertical Move‘ option is checked. Then enter a value in either pixels or percentages to determine how much you want to move the text. Click on the ‘OK‘ button when you’re done.

You can also use a combination of these methods to vertically align text in Photoshop. For example, you could use the ‘Vertical Align: Top‘ option and then use a negative value for ‘Baseline Shift‘.

Or you could use a positive value for ‘Baseline Shift‘ and then use a negative value for vertical move in Transform Options. Experiment until you find a combination that works for your particular project.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.