Web Design » Figma » How Does Components Work in Figma?

How Does Components Work in Figma?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 12:54 am

Components in Figma are one of the most powerful features that help you design faster and smarter. By turning any object into a Component, you can reuse it across your File. This is not only great for efficiency, but also for maintaining design consistency.

There are two types of Components in Figma: Frame and Group. A Frame is a special type of Component that can contain other objects, making it perfect for creating repeatable sections of your design. Groups, on the other hand, are ideal for smaller elements that you want to reuse multiple times.

To turn an object into a Component, simply select it and click the Make Component button in the Property Inspector (or use the shortcut Cmd + K). Once you’ve turned an object into a Component, you can easily update all instances of it by making changes to the original component.

If you need to make changes to a specific instance of a Component, you can do so by breaking it down into its own unique object. To do this, simply select the instance you want to modify and click the Break Down button in the Property Inspector (or use the shortcut Cmd +Shift + K).

Components are an essential part of Figma and knowing how to use them effectively will help you design faster and smarter.

PRO TIP: This article is outdated and no longer reflects Figma’s current functionality.

Components are an essential part of Figma and knowing how to use them effectively will help you design faster and smarter.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.