Web Design » Figma » What Is a Frame on Figma?

What Is a Frame on Figma?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 1:18 am

A frame is an area that you can define on a Figma canvas. It can be used to group elements together, or to set the size and position of an element on the canvas. Frames can be nested inside other frames, and can be aligned to other elements on the canvas.

There are two types of frames in Figma: static and responsive. Static frames are fixed in size, and cannot be resized. Responsive frames can be resized, and will adjust the positions of elements inside them when they are resized.

Static frames are best used for elements that will not need to be resized, such as images or icons. Responsive frames are best used for elements that will need to be resized, such as text boxes or buttons.

PRO TIP: Figma is a powerful design tool that allows users to create and collaborate on complex design projects. However, users should be aware of the potential dangers of working with frames in Figma.

Frames can be used to create designs that are difficult to change or update, which can lead to frustration and wasted time. Additionally, frames can be used to create designs that are not compatible with other software or devices, which can lead to problems when trying to view or use the design.

When creating a frame, you can specify the width, height, and position of the frame on the canvas. You can also specify how the frame should be aligned to other elements on the canvas.

To create a frame, select the “Frame” tool from the toolbar, then click and drag on the canvas to create a new frame. Alternatively, you can click on an existing element on the canvas to convert it into a frame.

To resize a frame, select it with the Selection tool, then click and drag one of its corners or sides. To move a frame, click and drag it with the Selection tool. To delete a frame, press the “Delete” key on your keyboard while it is selected with the Selection tool.

Frames are a powerful way to organize your elements on a Figma canvas. By nesting frames inside other frames, you can create complex layouts that are easy to resize and position.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.