Website Building » Shopify » Why Does Shopify Need My Address?

Why Does Shopify Need My Address?

Last updated on October 2, 2022 @ 4:54 am

As a Shopify merchant, you’re required to provide a physical address for your business. This is because Shopify uses this address to register your store with the credit card networks. By providing your business address, Shopify can determine which credit card networks your store is eligible to use.

PRO TIP: If you are prompted to enter your address when creating a Shopify account, be aware that this information is required in order to set up your account and may be used for billing purposes. Entering your address is optional, but if you choose not to, you may not be able to fully use the Shopify platform.

There are a few other reasons why Shopify needs your address. First, if you ever need to contact Shopify support, they’ll need your address on file.

Second, if you’re using Shopify Payments, we use your address to verify your identity and to help prevent fraud. Lastly, if you’re selling physical goods, we use your address to calculate shipping rates and to print shipping labels.

So why does Shopify need my address? There are a few reasons: to register your store with the credit card networks, to contact Shopify support, to verify your identity, and to calculate shipping rates.

By providing your address, you can help ensure a smooth and successful experience with Shopify.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.