Website Building » WooCommerce » Why is my WooCommerce cart empty?

Why is my WooCommerce cart empty?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 10:16 pm

If you’re seeing an empty WooCommerce cart, there could be a few reasons why. One possibility is that you don’t have any products in your cart.

Another possibility is that you may not have added any shipping information to your cart. If you’re not sure how to add products to your cart or figure out how to add shipping information, read our article on adding products to your WooCommerce cart.

PRO TIP: If you are wondering why your WooCommerce cart is empty, there are a few potential causes.

1. You may have cookies disabled in your browser. Cookies are required for WooCommerce to function properly, so be sure to enable them.

2. Another possibility is that your session has expired. This can happen if you leave your browser open for too long without interacting with it. To fix this, simply close your browser and reopen it.

3. If neither of these solutions work, then it’s possible that there is a problem with WooCommerce itself. Try clearing your browser’s cache and cookies, then reloading the page. If that doesn’t work, you may need to contact WooCommerce support for further assistance.

If you’re still having trouble filling your cart, there could be a problem with your checkout process. Make sure you have entered all of your necessary information correctly, and that your shipping information is accurate.

If you still can’t find the answer to your cart problem, please contact WooCommerce support.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.