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Can I Animate Text in Figma?

Last updated on January 13, 2023 @ 2:05 am

Yes, you can animate text in Figma. To do so, simply select the text object you want to animate and then click on the “Animate” button in the Properties Panel. From there, you can add keyframes and change various properties such as font size, color, and opacity.

There are a few things to keep in mind when animating text in Figma.

First, it’s important to make sure that your text is legible at all times. This means using a large enough font size and keeping the color contrast high.

Second, it’s important to use keyframes sparingly and only when absolutely necessary. Too many keyframes can make an animation look chaotic and can be difficult to follow.

When used correctly, animated text can be a powerful tool for conveying information or adding visual interest to your designs. So go ahead and experiment with it – there’s no wrong way to do it!

For more elaborated steps on how to animate your text in Figma, follow the instructions below:

1. Once you have your text to animate, the first thing you need to do is to have it framed. You can do so by right-clicking the text and selecting “Frame Selection” from the menu.

Make sure text to animate in Figma are on a frame

2. Next, select both Frame and click “+ Auto Layout“. This will create another frame that contained both frames.

Auto layout both text frame in Figma

3. Then reduced the height of the frame until the first phrase/sentence. Check “Clip content” to hide the other texts underneath it. You can then remove the auto layout.

Check Figma clip content to hide other text underneath then remove auto layout

4. Select your phrase/sentence and have it duplicate. The copy must correspond to the hidden text you wish to animate. You can move it directly into the Figma canvas then, you have to nudge it upwards (using the arrow key) until clip text contents are revealed.

Duplicate Figma frames & nudge upwards until clip text content are revealed

5. Name each frame accordingly and select all so as to “Create component set” in preparation for animation.

Select all Figma and create a component set

6. Select the first component frame then go to the “Prototype” tab and click “+ Interactions.”

Select first frame and go to Figma prototype tab then click add interaction

7. Add your text animation “Interaction details” and make sure to select “Smart Animate” in your animation interaction. Repeat these processes until all frames are animated accordingly.

Add Figma interaction details to your text animation

8. Lastly, go to the “Assets” tab in the left side panel and replace the current text with the new “Component” asset.  Click the “Play” prototype button once you’re ready to preview your text animation.

Go to Figma assets and drop the component to the frame then preview the animation

Your animated text should now look like this:

Figma text animation demonstration

PRO TIP: If you are looking to animate text in Figma, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, Figma is primarily a vector design tool, so any animations you create will be limited to vector shapes and text. Additionally, Figma does not currently support exporting animated GIFs, so you will need to use a third-party tool to do so.

In conclusion, animating text in Figma is a simple process that can add some extra flair to your designs. Just keep in mind that legibility and simplicity are key when doing so.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.