Website Building » Shopify » Can I Use Google Analytics With Shopify?

Can I Use Google Analytics With Shopify?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 4:44 pm

Google Analytics is a powerful tool that can provide valuable insights into your website traffic. However, setting up Google Analytics can be a bit tricky, and it’s important to make sure that you’re doing it correctly.

If you’re using Shopify, there’s good news: you can use Google Analytics with Shopify! In fact, it’s relatively easy to set up. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

1. Create a Google Analytics account and obtain your tracking code. This code will look something like this: UA-XXXXXXXX-X.

2. Log in to your Shopify admin panel and go to Online Store > Preferences.

3. Scroll down to the Google Analytics section and enter your tracking code in the field provided.

4. Save your changes and you’re done!

Now all you need to do is wait for data to start flowing into your Google Analytics account. Depending on the amount of traffic your store gets, it may take a few hours or days for data to appear. But once it does, you’ll be able to see useful information such as pageviews, unique visitors, bounce rate, and more.

So if you’re looking for a way to get insights into your Shopify traffic, give Google Analytics a try!

PRO TIP: We would like to warn you that using Google Analytics with Shopify may result in your personal data being collected and used by Google. Please be sure to read the terms of service and privacy policy for both Shopify and Google Analytics before using them together.

Can I Use Google Analytics With Shopify?

Yes! You can use Google Analytics with Shopify by following the steps above.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.