Website Building » WooCommerce » Can You Hide a Product in WooCommerce?

Can You Hide a Product in WooCommerce?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 6:27 pm

It’s no secret that WooCommerce is one of the most popular eCommerce platforms on the market. And for good reason – it’s easy to use, customizable, and scalable. But one of its best features is that it allows you to hide products from your store.

This can be useful for a number of reasons. Perhaps you’re selling a product that is only available to a certain group of people, or you want to keep it hidden until it’s ready to be launched. Whatever the reason, hiding products in WooCommerce is easy to do.

In this article, we’ll show you how to hide a product in WooCommerce. We’ll also give you some tips on when and why you might want to do this. Let’s get started!

Hiding a product in WooCommerce is simple. Just go to the product page in your WordPress admin and scroll down to the ‘Visibility’ option. From here, you can select ‘Hidden’ from the drop-down menu.

Once you’ve done that, update the product and it will be hidden from your store. If you want to view hidden products, you can do so by going to Products > All Products and selecting ‘Hidden’ from the filter options at the top of the page.

Now that you know how to hide a product in WooCommerce, let’s take a look at some situations where this might be useful:

If you’re selling a product that is only available to a certain group of people, such as members of a club or organization, hiding it from your store can prevent anyone else from purchasing it.

PRO TIP: Can You Hide a Product in WooCommerce?

If you are thinking about hiding a product in WooCommerce, be aware that this may not be the best solution for your store. While hiding a product may seem like an easy way to remove it from your store, this can cause problems with your inventory and order management. Additionally, hiding products can make it difficult for customers to find what they are looking for on your website. If you need to remove a product from your store, it is best to delete it completely.

If you’re selling a pre-order item, hiding it until it’s ready to ship can prevent customers from accidentally ordering something that isn’t going to be available for weeks or months.

If you’re launching a new product, hiding it until everything is finalized can prevent people from seeing incomplete information or ordering something before it’s ready.

There are many other situations where hiding products in WooCommerce might be useful. These are just a few examples. Now let’s take a look at how to unhide products in WooCommerce.

Unhiding products in WooCommerce is just as easy as hiding them. Simply go to the product page in your WordPress admin and scroll down to the ‘Visibility’ option again.

From here, select ‘Visible’ from the drop-down menu and update the product. It will now be visible on your store again.

You can also unhide products by going to Products > All Products and selecting ‘Hidden’ from the filter options at the top of the page. This will show all hidden products in your store so that you can unhide them individually or in bulk.

So there you have it! That’s how you hide and unhide products in WooCommerce.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.