Website Building » Elementor » How do I add scrolling text in Elementor?

How do I add scrolling text in Elementor?

Last updated on December 20, 2022 @ 12:36 pm

In Elementor, scrolling text can be added by using the Text field and the Textarea widget. The Text field is used to enter the text to be displayed, while the Textarea widget is used to control the width and height of the textarea.

To add scrolling text in Elementor, follow these steps:

1. In the main Elementor window, select the Text field and the Textarea widget.

2. In the Textarea widget, enter the text to be displayed.

3. In the Textfield widget, set the Width and Height properties to the desired width and height of the textarea, and then click the OK button.

4. The textarea will now be displayed with the specified width and height.

5. To add scrolling text, press and hold the mouse button over the textarea, and then drag it downwards.

6. When the desired height has been reached, release the mouse button.

7. The textarea will now bescrollable.

8. To stop scrolling, press and hold the mouse button over the textarea, and then drag it upwards.

9. The textarea will now be unscrollable.

10. To stop scrolling, press and hold the mouse button over the textarea, and then drag it to the left or the right.

11. When the desired width has been reached, release the mouse button.

12. To stop scrolling, press the Escape key.

13. The textarea will now be displayed with the original width and height.

14. To add more text to the textarea, repeat steps 2-14.

15. To remove the textarea and the textfield, select the textfield and press the Delete key.

16. To hide the textarea and the textfield, select the textfield and click the Hide button.

17. To show the textarea and the textfield, select the textarea and click the Show button.

18. To change the text displayed in the textarea, enter new text in the Textfield widget and click the OK button.

19. To save the changes made to the textarea, click the Save button.

20. To preview the changes made to the textarea, click the Preview button.

21. To publish the changes made to the textarea, click the Publish button.

22. To return to the original layout of the Elementor window, select the Reset button.

23. To close the Elementor window, select the Close button.

24. To return to the main window, select the Window menu and then click the Main Window button.

25. To return to the Elementor toolbar, select the Toolbar menu and then click the Elementor Toolbar button.

PRO TIP: Adding scrolling text to your Elementor website can be done by adding a Widget/Element. However, before doing so, please be aware that scrolling text can be distracting to users and may decrease the overall usability of your website. Use this feature sparingly and only when absolutely necessary.
Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.