Web Design » Illustrator » How do I cut out part of an image in Illustrator?

How do I cut out part of an image in Illustrator?

Last updated on November 22, 2022 @ 11:18 am

In Illustrator, you can cut out parts of an image by using the Selection tool and the Rectangular Marquee tool.

To cut out a rectangular section of an image, start by selecting the Selection tool and clicking inside the image. Then, use the Rectangular Marquee tool to draw a rectangular selection around the area you want to cut out. Make sure the fill is set to none. Lastly, use the Selection Tool to select both the image and the selected object for the next step.

PRO TIP: Warning: Cutting out part of an image in Illustrator may result in the loss of some image quality.

To cut out an image using the Selection tool, first, click and hold down the mouse button on the area you want to select, and then drag the cursor over the area you want to cut out. When you release the mouse button, the selection will be cut out. Similarly, you can right-click on your mouse and select Make Clipping Mask or go to the Object tab, search for Clipping Mask and select Make.

To cut out an image using the Rectangular Marquee tool, start by clicking and holding down the mouse button on the area you want to select, and then drag the cursor over the area you want to cut out. The final output should now look like the image below. Lastly, use the Selection Tool to resize the cut-out image if necessary.

To adjust the size of the selection, use the handles on the corners of the selection.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.