Web Design » Photoshop » How Do I Download an Image From Photoshop?

How Do I Download an Image From Photoshop?

Last updated on September 23, 2022 @ 11:01 pm

To download an image from Photoshop, first open the image in Photoshop. Then, go to File > Save As. In the Save As dialog box, choose a location to save the file, enter a file name, and then click Save.

When you download an image from Photoshop, you’re essentially just saving the image to your computer’s hard drive. The file format you choose will determine how the image looks and how large the file is.

PRO TIP: If you are downloading an image from Photoshop, be sure to check the file format before proceeding. Some file formats may not be compatible with your computer or may not be able to be opened by Photoshop.

For example, downloading an image as a JPEG will result in a smaller file size than downloading it as a TIFF. However, JPEG images are also lower quality than TIFF images.

If you need to download an image from Photoshop for printing or for use on a website, it’s best to choose a file format that will result in the highest quality image. For printing, TIFF is typically the best choice. For use on a website, PNG or JPEG are usually better choices because they result in smaller file sizes.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.