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How Do I Import Multiple Images Into Photoshop?

Last updated on January 6, 2023 @ 7:52 pm

Photoshop is a widely used program for image editing and creation and is available for both Windows and Mac computers. One of the most common tasks in Photoshop is importing images.

You can import a single image, or multiple images at once. This article will show you how to do both.

1. Importing a Single Image in Photoshop

To import a single image into Photoshop, open the program and go to the File menu and select “Open” from the menu.

A dialog box will appear. Find the image you want to open and click on it. Then click the “Open” button.

The image will now be open in Photoshop.

PRO TIP: When importing multiple images into Photoshop, be sure to create separate layers for each image. Otherwise, the images will be merged into one layer and you will not be able to edit them separately.

2. Importing Multiple Images in Photoshop

To import multiple images into Photoshop at once, open the program and go to the File menu. Click on the “Scripts” option from the menu and select “Load Files into Stack” from the list of options.

Another dialog box will appear. You can choose whether to upload files or an entire folder. Once you’ve selected it, click on the “Browse” button and find the images you want to import.

If you have selected to upload files, hold down the “Ctrl” key on your keyboard and click on each image you want to select. However, if you’ve selected the folder option, simply select the folder containing the images that you want to import. Once you have all the images selected, click on the “Ok” button.


A list of the images imported will be shown in the “Load Layers” window. You can still remove some of the images by selecting them and clicking on the “Remove” button. You can also sort the images by name using the “Sort By Name” button. Once you’re done, click on the “Ok” button.

NOTE: The arrangement of the image file names in the “Load Layers” window is the same as how the layers will be arranged in the canvas. You can still make changes to its arrangement once imported by clicking and dragging on the layers.

The images will now be open in Photoshop. These images will be imported as separate layers in a single document.


How Do I Import Multiple Images Into Photoshop?

You can import a single image or multiple images into Adobe Photoshop by going to the File menu and selecting either “Open” or “Scripts.” If you select “Open,” you’ll be able to browse for a specific image file on your computer and then open it in Photoshop. If you select “Scripts,” you can choose “Load Files into Stack” which allows you to select multiple image files at once (up to 999) and open them all in separate layers within one Photoshop document.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.