Web Design » InVision » How do I prototype in sketch to InVision?

How do I prototype in sketch to InVision?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 9:08 pm

There are a few ways to prototype in Sketch. You can use the Sketch prototyping tools, or you can use the InVision prototyping tools.

Both have their pros and cons, but ultimately the choice depends on what you’re looking to achieve.

To use the Sketch prototyping tools, you first need to install the Sketch prototyping extensions. Once you have installed the extensions, you can open a new Sketch document and click the Prototyping button in the toolbar.

The Prototyping window will open, and you will be able to select from a variety of prototyping tools. The most important tool is the prototype editor, which lets you design and prototype mobile and web apps.

The prototype editor has a lot of features, but some of the more important ones are the ability to drag and drop items, import images, and use the keyboard to create text. You can also use the prototype editor to create prototypes for websites and desktop applications.

PRO TIP: When prototyping in Sketch to InVision, be aware that there are some potential risks and problems that can occur. Make sure to save your work often, and test your prototypes thoroughly before sharing them with others.

One downside of the prototype editor is that it is not very user friendly. It is not as easy to learn as the InVision prototyping tools, which are also available as extensions for Sketch.

If you are looking to create prototypes for websites and desktop applications, the InVision prototyping tools are better options. The InVision prototyping tools are available as an add-on for Sketch, and they are much more user friendly than the prototype editor.

One of the main advantages of the InVision prototyping tools is that they are collaborative. You can use the tools to create prototypes with team members, and you can also share your prototypes with other people.

The InVision prototyping tools also have a lot of features. You can create prototypes with a range of different types of interfaces, and you can also use the tools to create prototypes for mobile apps.

Overall, the choice of prototyping tools depends on the type of prototype that you are looking to create. If you are just starting out, the Sketch prototyping tools are a good option.

However, if you are more experienced, the InVision prototyping tools are better options.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.