Hosting » Linode » How install OpenVPN on Linode?

How install OpenVPN on Linode?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 1:07 pm

There are a few ways to install OpenVPN on a Linode server. The simplest way is to use the openvpn- Linode-installer script that is included in the OpenVPN distribution.

This script will install OpenVPN and its related dependencies on a Linode server.

The openvpn-Linode-installer script can be used with the following command:./openvpn-Linode-installer [–config-file config_file] [–log-file log_file]

The –config-file option can be used to specify a configuration file that OpenVPN will use to determine the appropriate settings for the server. The –log-file option can be used to specify a log file that will contain information about the OpenVPN installation process.

PRO TIP: OpenVPN is a powerful and widely used VPN protocol. However, it is not recommended for beginners to install OpenVPN on their Linode. This is because there are many complex steps involved in the installation process, which can lead to problems if not done correctly. Also, once OpenVPN is installed, it can be difficult to troubleshoot and fix any problems that may occur.

The openvpn-Linode-installer script will also install the Linode-openvpn package, which provides utilities for managing OpenVPN on a Linode server. The Linode-openvpn package can be used with the following command:

sudo apt-get install Linode-openvpn

The openvpn-Linode-installer script will also install the openvpn-plugin- Linode package, which provides a plugin for the OpenVPN daemon that allows it to be managed using the liniupn command. The openvpn-plugin-Linode package can be used with the following command:

sudo apt-get install openvpn-plugin-Linode.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.