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How do I make text glow in Illustrator?

Last updated on January 29, 2023 @ 3:41 pm

Adding a glow effect to text in Illustrator is easy. There are a few different methods you can use, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

One way to add a glow effect to text is to use the Glow effect. To do this, open the Glow effect panel by choosing Effect > Glow.

Go to Illustrator effects tab and select the stylize glow from the menu

The Glow effect has two main options: intensity and direction. The intensity option controls the strength of the glow, while the direction option controls how the glow spreads.

To add a glow to a text object, choose the text object and then choose the Glow effect from the Effects panel. In the Glow effect panel, set the intensity option to 100 and the direction option to 0.

Adjust the Illustrator text intensity glow and direction

Now, the glow will spread out from the center of the text object, and it will be 100% visible. You can adjust the intensity and direction options to create different effects.

One drawback of the Glow effect is that it takes a lot of time to render. Another downside is that the glow can sometimes be difficult to see.

One way to make text glow faster is to use the Stroke effect. To do this, open the Stroke effect panel by choosing Effect > Stroke.

The Stroke effect has two main options: color and thickness. The color option controls the color of the stroke, while the thickness option controls the thickness of the stroke.

To add a glow to a text object, choose the text object and then choose the Stroke effect from the Effects panel. In the Stroke effect panel, set the color option to light blue and the thickness option to 1.

Use Illustrator stroke tool to add glow to your text

PRO TIP: Please be aware that making text glow in Illustrator can be a difficult and time-consuming task. If you are not familiar with the software, we recommend that you seek help from a professional.

Now, the glow will be blue and will have a thickness of 1. You can adjust the color and thickness options to create different effects.

One advantage of the Stroke effect is that it takes less time to render than the Glow effect. Another advantage is that the glow can be more easily seen.

One downside of the Stroke effect is that it doesn’t have a lot of options. It also doesn’t have a direction option, which can be a limitation if you want the glow to spread out from the text object.

One final option is to use the Glow effect and the Gradient panel. To do this, open the Gradient panel by choosing Effect > Gradient.

The Gradient panel has three main options: type, color, and direction. The type option controls the type of gradient, while the color option controls the colors of the gradient. In the Glow effect panel, set the type option to Radial and the direction option to 0.

Use Illustrator gradient tool to add glow to your text

Now, the glow will be circular and will have a gradient that starts from the center of the text object and fades outward. You can adjust the type and direction options to create different effects.

One advantage of the Gradient panel is that it has a lot of options.

One downside of the Gradient panel is that it can be difficult to find the right gradient. It also doesn’t have an intensity option, which can make the glow less visible.

Overall, the Glow effect is the easiest way to add a glow to text in Illustrator. It takes less time to render, and the glow can be more easily seen.

However, the Gradient panel has more options and is easier to use than the Glow effect.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.