Web Design » Figma » How Do I Migrate to Sketch From Figma?

How Do I Migrate to Sketch From Figma?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 10:33 pm

Sketch and Figma are both great design tools. But if you’re using Figma and want to switch to Sketch, there are a few things you need to know. Here’s a guide on how to migrate from Figma to Sketch.

When it comes to vector editing, both Sketch and Figma are great choices. However, Sketch has some advantages over Figma.

For example, Sketch’s interface is more user-friendly and its tools are more intuitive. Additionally, Sketch has better support for plugins and integrations.

If you’re thinking about switching from Figma to Sketch, here’s what you need to know.

1. How to Export Assets From Figma

When it comes to exporting assets from Figma, there are two ways to do it. The first is to use the “Export as..” function in the File menu. This will allow you to export your assets as PNG, JPG, or SVG files.

The second way to export assets is to use the “Download” function in the File menu. This will allow you to download your design as a .fig file, which can be opened in Sketch or other vector editing software.

2. How to Import Assets Into Sketch

Once you’ve exported your assets from Figma, you can import them into Sketch using the “File > Import” function. Simply select the file type you want to import (PNG, JPG, or SVG) and choose the location of the file on your computer. Sketch will then automatically import the asset into your design.

3. How to Convert Text Layers in Sketch

If you’re importing a design from Figma that contains text layers, you’ll need to convert them into vector shapes in order for them to be editable in Sketch. To do this, simply select the text layer and click on the “Convert To Shape” button in the Inspector panel.

4. How to Edit Vector Shapes in Sketch

Once you’ve imported your assets and converted your text layers into vector shapes, you can start editing them in Sketch. To do this, simply select the vector shape and use the various tools in the Inspector panel to make changes.

For example, you can change the fill color, stroke color, stroke width, etc.

Migrating from Figma

sketch has many benefits that make is a great choice for those who design frequently including: a user-friendly interface with more intuitive tools , better support for plugins and integrations ,and easy text layer conversions

PRO TIP: Before you migrate to Sketch from Figma, please be aware that there are some potential risks involved. For example, you may lose some data or formatting during the migration process. Additionally, Sketch may not be compatible with all of your Figma files. Therefore, please backup your files and carefully review the compatibility issues before proceeding.
Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.