Hosting » Linode » How do I run Docker on Linode?

How do I run Docker on Linode?

Last updated on December 18, 2022 @ 11:06 am

Docker is an open-source platform for building, shipping, and running distributed applications. Docker enables you to package an application as a self-contained, reproducible unit.

You can run Docker on a variety of platforms, including on Linux, macOS, and Windows.

To install Docker on your Linode, follow these steps:

1. Login to your Linode account.

2. From the main menu, select System Tools > Docker.

3. Click the Install Docker button.

4. Enter your Linode login credentials and click the Install button.

5. After the installation is complete, you will be presented with the Docker installation status. Click the OK button.

6. You can now start the Docker daemon by clicking the Start Docker button.

7. You can now access the Docker command line by clicking the Docker button.

8. To connect to a Docker daemon running on another host, enter the host name or IP address in the Address field and the port in the Port field. For example, to connect to a Docker daemon running on host on port 2375, enter 192.100:2375 in the Address field and click the Connect button.

9. To exit the Docker command line, type quit in the text field and press the Enter key.

10. To see a list of all the containers that are currently running on your Linode, type docker ps in the Docker command line and press the Enter key.

11. To stop the Docker daemon, type docker stop in the Docker command line and press the Enter key.

12. To remove a container that is currently running on your Linode, type docker rm in the Docker command line and press the Enter key.

13. To scale up a running container, type docker scale up in the Docker command line and press the Enter key.

14. To scale down a running container, type docker scale down in the Docker command line and press the Enter key.

15. To list all of the files that are currently stored in a running container, type docker inspect in the Docker command line and press the Enter key.

16. To remove a file from a running container, type docker rm in the Docker command line and press the Enter key.

17. To restart a running container, type docker restart in the Docker command line and press the Enter key.

18. To stop all of the containers that are currently running on your Linode, type docker stop all in the Docker command line and press the Enter key.

19. To log out of your Linode account, type logout in the text field and press the Enter key.

20. To return to the main menu, type logout in the text field and press the Enter key.

21. To exit the Docker installation, type exit in the text field and press the Enter key.

22. To reboot your Linode, type reboot in the text field and press the Enter key.

23. To return to the Linode home screen, type home in the text field and press the Enter key.

24. To view the documentation for the Docker installation that you just completed, type docker documentation in the Docker command line and press the Enter key.

25. To view the list of all of the containers that are currently running on your Linode, type docker ps -a in the Docker command line and press the Enter key.

26. To view the status of a specific container, type docker inspect in the Docker command line and press the Enter key.

27. To delete a container that is currently running on your Linode, type docker rm in the Docker command line and press the Enter key.

28. To list all of the files that are currently stored in a running container, type docker inspect -f in the Docker command line and press the Enter key.

29. To list all of the containers that are currently running on your Linode, type docker ps -a -f in the Docker command line and press the Enter key.

30. To list the status of a specific container, type docker inspect -f in the Docker command line and press the Enter key.

31. To delete a container that is currently running on your Linode, type docker rm -f in the Docker command line and press the Enter key.

PRO TIP: Docker is a powerful tool that can help you speed up your development process and increase your productivity. However, it is important to understand the basics of Docker before using it on your Linode. Otherwise, you may end up causing serious problems for yourself and others. Here are some things to keep in mind when using Docker on your Linode:

1. Make sure you understand what Docker is and how it works before using it.

2. Be very careful when using Docker commands. Some commands can cause serious problems if used incorrectly.

3. Always test your commands and applications in a development or test environment before using them in production.

4. Stay up-to-date on security issues related to Docker. Be sure to patch and update your installation regularly.

5. Do not run untrusted or untested applications in Docker containers. This could lead to serious security issues.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.