Hosting » Linode » How do you screenshot on Linode?

How do you screenshot on Linode?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 1:07 pm

The process of screenshotting on Linode is incredibly simple. First, open a terminal window on your Linode and type the following command:

screenshot -p

This will open a default screenshot application on your Linode. To take a screenshot of a specific window, use the -w option followed by the window’s identifier (e.g.

-w 1 ). To take a screenshot of the entire desktop, use the -d option.

PRO TIP: Warning: Please be sure to follow all steps correctly when taking a screenshot on Linode. Incorrectly taking a screenshot can result in data loss or damage to your computer.

To save the screenshot to your computer, use the -s option followed by the filename. For example, to save the screenshot of the window named “1” taken earlier, type the following command:

screenshot -s 1

To print the screenshot, use the -p option followed by the printer name (e.

-p lp1 ).

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.