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Can You Stretch an Image in Figma?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 9:29 am

Yes, you can stretch an image in Figma. Here’s how:

First, select the image you want to stretch. Then, go to the properties panel on the right and click on the “stretch” icon. This will bring up a menu of options for how you want to stretch the image.

There are three options for how you can stretch an image:

PRO TIP: If you are considering stretching an image in Figma, be aware that this may result in distortion of the image. Additionally, depending on the size of the image being stretched, you may also see a decrease in image quality.
  • Stretch horizontally: This option will stretch the width of the image while keeping the height intact.
  • Stretch vertically: This option will stretch the height of the image while keeping the width intact.
  • Stretch both: This option will stretch both the width and height of the image.

Once you’ve selected how you want to stretch the image, simply click on “OK” and the image will be stretched accordingly.

Note: Keep in mind that when you stretch an image, it may become distorted or pixelated. So, be sure to select an image that is high quality and has plenty of resolution before stretching it.

Can You Stretch an Image in Figma? – Conclusion
Yes, you can easily stretch an image in Figma using the built-in tools.

There are three different ways to do it – horizontally, vertically, or both. Keep in mind that stretching an image may cause it to become distorted or pixelated, so be sure to use a high-quality image with plenty of resolution.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.