Web Design » Illustrator » How do I fix pixelation in Illustrator?

How do I fix pixelation in Illustrator?

Last updated on November 30, 2022 @ 8:20 am

Pixelation occurs when graphics or images are so pixelated that they are difficult or impossible to see. There are a few ways to fix pixelation in Illustrator:

1. Use the Clear filter.

This filter can be used to clear up any pixelation in an image. Or simply do an image trace to create a vector copy of your image.Pixelated Image tracing

By simply adjusting the Image trace settings, you can instantly clear the pixelated area of your image. Furthermore, you can right-click on your mouse and click “Make Pixel Perfect.”

Image trace settings adjustments

2. Use the Anti-aliasing filter.

This filter can help smooth out the edges of the graphics, which can help reduce the appearance of pixelation. Go to Effects>Document Raster Effects Settings and adjust Resolution. Tick the “Anti-alias” checkbox then click Ok.

Apply anti-alias

PRO TIP: If you are experiencing pixelation in Illustrator, it is likely because you are zoomed in too far on your image. To fix this, simply zoom out until the pixelation goes away.

3. Use the Reposition tool.

This tool can be used to move graphics around in an image to try and fix the appearance of pixelation. Moreover, you can further smooth the path position by using the Smooth Tool.

Use Smooth reposition tool

4. Use the Liquify filter.

This filter can be used to distort graphics, which can help reduce the appearance of pixelation.

Use Liquify tool to fix pixelation

5. Use the Gradient tool.

This tool can be used to create gradual transitions between different colors, which can help reduce the appearance of pixelation.

Use Gradient tool

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.